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SEMI请求将华为禁令延期120天,SEMI China将持续推动中国融入全球半导体生态圈

SEMI(国际半导体产业协会) 美国当地时间8月24日发表声明,强调美国商务部8月17日发布的新禁令,除了影响全球供应链,自由市场机制,损害全球包括美国公司的客户基础,因此请求美国商务部将禁令延长120天执行。

SEMI 表示,美国商务部发布新的出口管制条例,将损害美国半导体产业,更对供应链造成严重的不确定性与破坏,最终影响美国国家安全,同时重申这些条例,将抑制客户购买美国制造设备与软件的意愿,同时也导致与华为无关的企业已损失了近1700万美元。


因此,SEMI在声明中请求美国商务部,将8月17日前已投入生产的产品,宽限期延长120 天,以确保决策具有可预见性和实时性,并为与 5G 无关的产品提供高灵活性。


第一是推动核心技术研发,建设创新平台,完善产业标准体系及标准认证;第二是充分发挥SEMI行业协会和标准化机构的作用,协助中国集成电路产业加快并深化参与制定集成电路相关标准。SEMI成立50年以来,已出版超过1000项产业标准,被全球半导体集成电路产业广泛采用,成为持续推动产业发展不可缺少的"氧气",制定并推动行业标准是SEMI重要核心价值之一;第三是继续坚持强化国际合作,以SEMI国际化的专业平台协助中国集成电路产业与全球产业连接,合作, 积极融入全球半导体产业链生态圈,成为不可或缺的“关键性”伙伴。居龙表示,SEMI中国会继续积极推动整个行业间的沟通交流,加强相互了解,以充分的热情成为中国半导体产业持续发展的关键推手。



 Aug 24, 2020

MILPITAS, Calif. – August 24, 2020 – SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics design and manufacturing supply chain, today released the following statement in response to the new export control rule changes announced by the United States Commerce Department.

SEMI recognizes the role of export control measures to address threats to U.S. national security. However, we are very concerned the new export control regulations issued on August 17, 2020, by the U.S. Department of Commerce will ultimately undermine U.S. national security interests by harming the semiconductor industry in the U.S. and creating substantial uncertainty and disruption in the semiconductor supply chain. On July 14, in public comments on the May 15 regulations, SEMI cautioned that those relatively narrow actions created unique disincentives to purchase U.S.-origin semiconductor equipment and design software and had already resulted in $17 million lost sales of U.S-origin items to firms unrelated to Huawei.

Commerce’s decision to significantly expand these unilateral restrictions will likely lead to more lost sales, eroding the customer base for U.S-origin items. The new restrictions will also fuel a perception that the supply of U.S. technology is unreliable and lead non-U.S. customers to call for the design-out of U.S. technology. Meanwhile, these actions further incentivize efforts to supplant these U.S. technologies.

SEMI respectfully requests Commerce immediately extend to 120 days the savings clause for items in production before August 17, ensure predictable and timely license decisions for all items and significant flexibility for licenses unrelated to 5G items. We also urge the administration to pursue policies with fewer unintended consequences and damage to U.S. technology leadership. Revenue from global sales is a major source of U.S. research and development (R&D) funding in these technologies; lost global revenue will lead to a decrease in R&D, undermining U.S. semiconductor innovation and thereby harming national security.

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